Death of a Loved One

The death of a loved one is a central moment in the life of every individual or family. If you or someone you love is suffering from a terminal illness, CBS clergy are available for counseling and guidance. You can schedule an appointment with Rabbi Richman here, or schedule an appointment with Rabbi Russell here. Our clergy and community are also committed to assisting and guiding families through the process of death and bereavement as much as a family wishes.

Our Jewish bereavement process is time-tested (over millenia!). Shemira (caring for and watching over the deceased until burial), the funeral, sitting shiva (the week-long mourning period following the death of a close relative), the year of mourning, yahrzeits (the annual remembrance of your loved one’s death) — these Jewish rituals of death and bereavement help guide us toward healing and through terrible moments of loss. The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism has prepared this comprehensive guide to Jewish funeral practice which serves as a helpful reference.

When a loved one dies, please call our executive director at (415) 940-7092. We will discuss what kind of bereavement rituals you wish to observe. Please also call Sinai Memorial Chapel on their 24/7 accessible line: 877-895-0359. Additionally, offers a selection of tools and resources to help you honor and commemorate your departed loved ones. 

If you would like to have the name of a deceased loved one inscribed on our Sanctuary’s beautiful yahrzeit wall or included in the annual reprint of our Yizkor book, please let us know.

Blessing the Terminally Ill

Many people are unaware of the Jewish ritual of vidui, a prayer said by someone who is likely approaching the moment of death. Our clergy are available to help someone recite the vidui, or to recite it over a person in the presence of family. While the ability to face the onset of death openly varies among individuals, please know that you can call on us to discuss this and other matters.